This sculpture was made for a collective exhibition organized at the Museum of "La Saga du Rhum" in Saint Pierre to commemorate its 10th anniversary.
Each artist had to create a work from a very old piece that had once belonged to the Isautier sugar factory.
Dorla chosed this forge bellows made of leather and wood as the central element of her composition: "Yaya Daughter of Vulcan or The Saga of the Master of the Forges". We see the restored and painted bellows, surrounded by eight oil on wood panels of shapes derived from the central piece as well as three plaster spheres and a frayed hemp rope on one side, each strand of which bears a small "head yaya” at its end.
Multiple evocations and allegories on the past of the island's sugar industry are open to everyone's interpretation.
Évocations et allégories multiples sur le passé de l’industrie sucrière de l’île livrées à l’interprétation de chacun.